What is Authentication?
is the process of identifying a user that wants to access a protected resource.
We use authentication is our everyday lives: ID cards, user names and
passwords, security cards, etc. The process that comes next is called
‘Authorization’ and they are very strong related and sometimes confused. With
‘Authorization’, we can check for user rights and see if they have or not
access to a specific resource after they have been authenticated. However, make
no mistake; there could be no ‘Authorization’ without ‘Authentication’. In this
article we will discuss about the process of identifying ‘who is this user’
using AngularJS.
that all actions take place on the client side, which means that the client has
full control over the browser and can overpass security checks. Therefore, it
is very important to make the verification on the back-end also.
Setting up client-side
Here we can
decide which pages will need authentication and set the routing for the
application. A route is defined providing at least the template or templateUrl
and the controller of that page. In addition, I have added the ‘access’
property with ‘allowAnonymous’ attribute. This way we now if the current route
needs authentication or it is a free access page. In our example we have the
‘Login’ page which is accessible by anyone and the ‘MembersPage’ that needs
// in app.js
var myApp =
angular.module('myApp',['ngResource', 'ngCookies', 'ngRoute']); myApp.config(function ($httpProvider,
$routeProvider) {
window.routes = {
templateUrl: '/Account/Login',
controller: 'AccountController',
access : {allowAnonymous : true}
templateUrl: '/Home/SomePage,
controller: SomePageController',
access: {allowAnonymous:false}}};
for (var path in
window.routes) {
$routeProvider.otherwise({ redirectTo: '/Login' });
The next
thing to do is to recognize an authenticated user and check if it has access to
the routes.
Recognize an authenticated
There are
several ways for doing that but I prefer using the power of AngularJS
throughout the use of ‘Services’. Therefore, I have created a ‘UserService’
where we store the current user name and a value-indicating if is authenticated
or not.
// in UserService.js
myApp.factory('userService', function () {
var user
= {
isLogged: false,
username: '',
reset = function() {
user.isLogged = false;
user.username = '';
return {
user: user,
reset : reset
After we
have the service in place, it is time to use it and implement the check
functionality for a route. There are several methods that intercept the route
change event, but we are interested only in those that occur before the user
was redirected so we can check if is authenticated: ‘$routeChangeStart’, ‘$locationChangeStart’. Here we can check if the route
that the user is going to allows anonymous access and if the user is logged in.
If the case of failure, we can display an error message and redirect the user
to the login page.
// in
($scope, $route, $routeParams, $location, $rootScope, authenticationService, userService,
toaster) {
$scope.user = userService.user;
$scope.$on('$routeChangeStart', function (e, next, current) {
(next.access != undefined && !next.access.allowAnonymous &&
!$scope.user.isLogged) {
$scope.logout = function () {
.success(function (response) {
toaster.pop("info", 'You are logged out.', '');
function (event, next, current) {
for (var i
in window.routes) {
(next.indexOf(i) != -1) {
(!window.routes[i].access.allowAnonymous && !userService.user.isLogged)
toaster.pop("error", 'You are not logged in!', '');
Authentication Service
service provides a way of communicating with the server and sets up the login
status. We are interested in login/logout methods for the moment. On the
back-end it is used a Web API service.
The login
method is a post request sending the ‘login’ data consisting of the username
and password. Notice also the ‘RequestVerificationToken’ that is used to avoid cross-site
request forgery attacks.
//in AuthenticationService.js
($http, $log, $location) {
return {
login: function (login, antiForgeryToken) {
return $http({
method: 'POST',
url: '/api/Account/AuthenticateUser',
data: login,
headers: { 'RequestVerificationToken': antiForgeryToken }
logout: function () {
return $http.post('/api/Account/Logout');
Putting up all together
The only
thing that remains is to create a view to collect login information and a
controller where we can use the authentication service and the user service
A very
simple login form would look like the example below. We have three input fields
wrapped up in a form.
//in Login.cshtml
@model Model.LoginModel
@{ Layout = null; }
@functions {
String GetAntiForgeryToken()
cookieToken, formToken;
AntiForgery.GetTokens(null, out cookieToken, out formToken);
cookieToken + ":" + formToken;
<div class="container">
name="loginForm" class="form-signin">
<input id="antiForgeryToken"
<input type="email" required="required"
name="username" class="form-control"
ng-model="userData.username" placeholder="Email
address" />
<input type="password" required name="password"
ng-model="userData.password" placeholder="Password"
<label class="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox"
value="remember-me">Remember me</label>
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-lg btn-primary
btn-block" ng-click="login(userData,
When the
user clicks login button, the form data is sent to the account controller.
Using the authentication service, the data is sent in a POST request. In case
of success we use the user service to store the data and redirect the user to the
desired page, otherwise we show an error message and keep the user on the login
// in
AccountController($scope, $cookies, $log, $location, authenticationService,
toaster, userService) {
$scope.login = function (userData, loginForm) {
(loginForm.$valid) {
authenticationService.login(userData, $scope.antiForgeryToken)
.success(function (response) {
if (response.status) {
userService.user.username = response.data.userName;
userService.user.isLogged = response.data.isLogged;
toaster.pop('success', 'You are signed in!', '', 2000, true);
} else
toaster.pop('error', 'Invalid username or password!', '', 2000, true);}
}).error(function (data, status, headers, config)
This is all
it takes to have a rudimentary authentication implementation with AngularJS.
do you have code?
Hi Ashish, unfortunately I have it just in a much bigger project and I can't put it all here. But all the code you need is in the post :). You just have to create a solution with those files.
DeleteThis is a very detailed post, will try it out. Thank for this
ReplyDeleteHi Kehinde, I'm glad you like it and I hope it will be useful.
DeleterootControoler is not working
ReplyDeleteHi Rai, can you give me more details ? Maybe I can give you some hints.